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Magazine Articles

Waste Management and Circular Economy

Published: March 21, 2025

B. Basu

Abstract: The conception of waste has changed into the new area of raw materials used for the next process to convert in the form of Circular Economy to help mankind in various ways. The wastages are different in nature, i.e., organic, solid, liquid, recyclable, and hazardous. Today’s idea of refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, repair is very common among the domestic and industrial Circle. The whole concept of those 5 R is to save energy, environment, to generate energy, and to be economical. However, hazardous wastes, in general, are non-recyclable. More and more waste is generated from the Industries,  households, eateries, hospitals, prisons, schools & colleges that are controlled by local municipalities, and most of them are being recycled to create biogas and electricity and composed for using fertilizers. There are limitations in the waste management system because of the lack of knowledge, equipment, and skilled manpower in the municipal bodies. The Circular economy is to create energy from all types of wastages through suitable designs and Technology. It is now a days started by various organizations, all over the world to produce electricity, biogas and Gobar gas. 

Keywords: recycle, energy, environments, control of waste, technology. 

[1] Introduction 

What is waste? It means to throw away the remaining finding as if of “No use” which is derived from the regular production Process. It is treated as ‘unnecessary’ and hence sold out to an outsider at a throw-out rate just to get rid of it as a burden. When there is no taker of this unwanted residue, some manufacturers throw it in barren land or nullah, or river, making them polluted. But today, the situation has changed drastically. Nothing is considered as ‘waste’ but it is considered as raw material for the further process to make the industries to be more economical.

The concept of Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose has started thereafter. 

There are, in general, five types of waste:  

  • Organic Waste: Generated from food, fruits, and vegetables. 

Pic 1: Organic waste

  • Liquid Waste: Includes dirty water, wash water, organic liquids, waste detergents, and sometimes even rainwater derived from rusted pipes.  


Pic 2: Liquid waste

  • Solid waste: It is generated from household materials such as torn out plastic items, trash, and factory`s unuse items. Please refer to picture 3.


Pic 3: Solid waste

  • Recyclable Waste: These are possible to recycle in various ways, i.e. Papers, cardboard, metals, glasses, biodegradable plastics, textile materials, tyres, batteries, and electronic items. Please refer to pic 4.

Pic 4: Recyclable waste

  • Hazardous waste: Waste that has harmful effects on humans, animals, and creatures. They are not recyclable.  For example, Paints and burnish, pesticides & Chemicals, used oils removed from the cars, Dyes and Chemicals.   Please refer pic 5.

Pic 5: Hazardous wastes

[2] Other Types of Waste Include

  • Municipal solid waste: they are household waste, food-related waste generated from hotels and restaurants, schools and hospitals, Offices, prisons, etc. 
  • Industrial non-hazardous waste: It is generated from the industries though not directly harmful for the human. But if it decomposes, it creates methane emissions, and must be managed in proper way. In the Cotton Textile Mills, the cotton dusts are thrown away, which are creating problems for the natures nearby trees. Nowadays, it is absolutely recycled. 
  • Agricultural and animal waste: Agricultural and animal wastes (faeces, urine, etc) are significant environmental burdens that may lead to ground and water pollution if not utilized properly. For example, the burning of agricultural waste results in air pollution and the emission of GHG.
  • Medical waste: It ranges from used needles and syringes to soiled dressings, body parts, diagnostic samples, blood, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and radioactive materials.
  • Radioactive waste: It is generated as a by-product of producing or using radioactive materials by industries such as mining, nuclear power generation, defense, medicine, and certain types of scientific research. 
  • Construction and demolition debris: It is a very common thing found in the cities which are Improper disposal of waste which can lead to issues like pollution, health risks, and resource depletion. It is also a big nuisance for the road users.

[3] What is Waste Management?

To control and monitor all the above hazards, semi-hazards and non–hazardous in scientific ways is known as waste management. It is to streamline the processes to follow the theories of disposal, to prevent the formation of any waste and to keep the environment clean. The waste disposal system should be very scientific and have a friendly atmosphere. Waste disposal includes collection from the sites, transport to the proper area and treatment of the waste following the methods of waste-related laws and technologies. 

Effective waste management can be achieved through the implementation of the 7 R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Repurpose, Recycle, and Recover.

Refuse and Reduce: These steps focus on preventing waste creation. For instance, avoiding items like crackers and toxic substances and opting for alternatives like cloth bags instead of plastic bags can significantly reduce waste. Purchasing larger sizes of items rather than multiple small ones also helps minimize hazardous waste.

Pic 6: One big can reduce wastage.

Reuse: This involves using items multiple times. Examples include reusing cotton waste to make pillows or coarser yarns and reusing torn clothes, books, kitchenware, and empty food containers.

Repair: Instead of discarding broken items, repairing them can extend their lifespan and reduce waste. This approach encourages sustainability by avoiding unnecessary purchases.

Repurpose: This involves using items for different purposes than their original use. For example, using metal cans or buckets for alternative purposes can give them a new life.

Pic 7: Repurpose

Recycle: Recycling transforms waste into new products, such as turning polyester waste into fabric or recycling plastic bottles.

Recover: This step involves transforming waste into valuable resources. Examples include composting organic waste to produce biogas or using human and animal waste to create energy sources like gobar gas.

Pic 8: Waste recovery

[4] The Problems with Waste Management 

Most of these are managed by local municipalities, where there is large-scale apathy in work cultures and a shortage of machinery and skilled workers. Times, Mumbai, 30.9.24 published (i) “Sewage sent to Ulhas River, NGT fines TMC Rs.102cr.(ii) ‘Dues unpaid ‘garbage piles left at Thane energy plant. (iii) The state`s legacy waste at 1.42 Cr. Ton, threat to soil & groundwater, times, Mumbai, 2.10.24. Such problems are much more at several places. 

[5] Circular Economy: What is that? 

The circular economy can help tackle challenges such as waste gestion, pollution, biodiversity protection and climate change by reusing production waste and by-products to reduce the consumption of resources and safeguard the needs of future generations. The circular economy is defined as a system to minimise wastage, close energy leakages and renovate something new that helps mankind through biodiversity, stopping pollution at every level. These can be achieved through proper design and maintenance by using 5-R policies. It should be used as a cheaper raw material to manufacture any value-added products. 

Pic 9: Circular Economy

Picture 9 describes, in short, the mode of Circular Economy. Which is explained in point no. 5. 

[5.1] Another Unique Example of Circular Economy

Several ‘waste to Energy’ Projects are initiated by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. One such Energy Plant is recently set up in Maharashtra in the Pune area. 

In this Plant, the Dry and wet wastages are segregated, then the dry waste is burnt in a furnace at a temperature of 1000- 1100 degrees centigrade, water is passed through pipes, forming steams, goes to turbine and generates electricity. It has the capacity to recycle 700 mt of waste per day and generates 14-megawatt electricity per day. Hence, from the dry waste, 100% electricity is generated, and from the wet waste, compost/fertilizer is made. It is a totally pollution-free industry. Pic 10 and Pic 11 show the energy plant.  


[6] Disadvantages of Circular Economy

  • Lack of infrastructure: There may not be enough infrastructure to recycle and reuse different types of materials. 
  • Technical challenges: Some products and materials may not be technically feasible for circular solutions. For example, recycling is not completely environmentally friendly, and not all waste can be recycled. 
  • Data issues: Monitoring data is complex, especially for environmental impacts. 
  • Implementation challenges: Transitioning to a circular economy is complex and faces barriers to scaling. 
  • Limited availability: Circular products and services may be limited. 
  • Cost: Products designed for circularity may have a higher upfront cost. 
  • Limited choices: The Circular economy may limit the range of products available to customers.

[7] Conclusions

  • ‘The waste is a waste’ is no more an acceptable criterion to anyone. It is changed to the new theories. Of again and again usable by adopting various processes. In our Textile Industries, almost every place is a waste-free zone. 
  • Sometimes, the waste is the cheapest raw material for further productions. 
  • Hazardous wastes are not always recyclable. 
  • Waste Management is not always manageable status by some municipal authorities because of a lack of technologies, a shortage of equipment, and a shortage of skilled workforce. 
  • The concept of Circular Economy is creating electricity, biogas, and Gobar Gas, which is nice to accept into the society. More and more plants are coming up in various states under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. 

       [8] References: 

  1. Recycling & Reused of Textile Product. B.Basu JTA, Sept- oct – 21 
  2. Clean Management Environment group. https://cleanmanagement .com >blog 
  3. Waste management safety culture, https://safety
  4. Wikipedia ( waste management) 
  5. The benefits of the circular economy for companies, June 23, by Aya Kan Christiane Kadio 
  6. Video received. 

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